Daycare center toy bins

The Germiest Places in a Daycare Facility

No matter where you go, you are more likely to expose yourself to germs than if you were at your home. When it comes to other businesses—like a daycare center—we tend to believe that they are the most sanitary places, but that’s hardly true. Here are the germiest places in a daycare facility.

Water Fountains

The spout on a water fountain contains more germs than you would think. Fountains have close to 2.7 million bacteria that can cause illness. If you want the children to avoid germs, always encourage them to wash their hands after touching buttons on the water fountain and not to put their mouths directly on the spout because that is where most germs harbor.


You don’t think of doorknobs as a central producing area for bacteria. However, if you don’t teach your children to sanitize and avoid touching their faces after encountering a doorknob, you are risking the spread of germs from surface to person. To prevent your child from getting sick from one of the germiest places in a daycare facility, use anti-bacterial wipes and wipe down the doorknob and any surfaces the child touches. You should also encourage them to use hand sanitizer or a wipe to clean their hands.

Clean the Pencil Sharpeners

Another item in the daycare center you probably wouldn’t consider is a pencil sharpener. Many people use pencil sharpeners, and even though you wouldn’t think twice about using them, germs can live on surfaces for up to 70 hours. If it’s not cleaned within that timeframe, many children and workers can come down sick.

Wash off the Desks

Desks are dirty and should get cleaned every day. If it’s a desk with a cubby, encourage the children to clean up their messes and throw away garbage that will grow harmful bacteria. Wash all hard surface areas down with disinfectant wipes each morning and before they leave.

Wipe Down the Restroom

The restroom harbors many harmful germs. It can hold bacteria that can give someone E. coli or even worse sicknesses. Teach the children, and even your workers, to clean up after themselves in the bathroom. You can even turn it into a game. While washing hands, sing a nursery rhyme twice to yourself or count backward from twenty.

By educating employees, teachers, and children, you can have a germ-free facility. If professional cleaning is something you need assistance with, contact our office nearest you in Annapolis, Yorktown, and Washington D.C. We deliver top-notch Daycare Cleaning services.